iOS vs. Android: What can iPhones do that Android-phones cannot?

The debate over which smartphones OS – iOS or Android is better has been ongoing for years. Both Apple and Google released latest versions of iOS and Android, iOS 11 and Android 8 Oreo respectively, last year.

However, iOS 11 with a few updates and several new features seems to have beaten Android Oreo. Here are the things iPhones can do but Android smartphones can’t.

iPhone users can filter out messages to control spam

Spam messages are a significant threat to almost every mobile user in the world. To solve this problem, Apple has introduced a feature to filter spam messages in iOS 11.

Earlier versions of iOS could filter messages from unknown senders, but with iOS 11, Apple gave users the ability to use third-party message filters for Messages to get rid of spam.

iOS 11 comes with native screen recording

Apple’s latest version of Apple’s 11 features a native “Screen Recording” feature that not only captures a video of the screen content (display), but also records an external voice input (audio or video). voice). IOS users can also create GIFs with this tool. Samsung devices support screen recording, but this is not a native feature in Android OS.

Syncing messages and sending money via messages app

iOS 11 brings the updated version of the Messages app with iCloud support. This allows users to sync messages across all their Apple devices using the same Apple ID. In addition, iOS 11 users can easily send or receive money to contacts directly from the Messages app via SMS. The money can also be transferred to bank accounts. Such message-related features still have to happen for Android.

Users can control iPhone’s battery and performance

iOS 11.3 beta has a tool to give users more power by allowing them to control the battery and the performance of the iPhone; something that Android does not offer.

It provides users with detailed information about the battery. It allows users to disable the battery limitation feature and may suggest battery replacement should a problem occur. Apple has faced criticism and lawsuits for secretly slowing the performance of iPhones with aging batteries.

Apple’s new image, video formats save 50% space

Apple has brought new formats to capture images / videos with iOS 11 that help users save 50% of the device’s storage space while maintaining quality. iOS 11 uses HEVC (High Efficiency Video Codec) for video and HEIF (High Efficiency Image File Format) for still images.

However, Android users can only capture images / videos; they can not compress them while keeping the quality intact or saving storage space.

Users can play music on multiple speakers simultaneously

Another nice feature brought by iOS 11 to users is the ability to stream music to Apple devices with the updated AirPlay 2. It will offer the “multi-room audio” feature on iOS devices, allowing users to stream music to multiple devices, such as Apple TVs, at the same time.

However, Google is still coming up with such an audio / video streaming feature for Android.

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